I love my chosen vocation as an educator. I am also an active lone parent of an  inquisitive teenage boy. I know that my biggest challenge is fitting in daily all  aspects of my full-throttle life. Combine that with my 15-year vocation as a teacher, and you soon realize why LURE always keeps me focussed on the tasks at hand. 

Alongside family matters, my work continues to reward. I help guide adults, of all ages, and facilitate their transitions to differing careers in their later lives. It’s a unique position to be in. Having directed so many on new paths, I can now, in  hindsight tell a younger version of myself, that I am more capable than I thought  I ever was. That stated, it’s apparent why maintaining my mental sharpness is  key.  

My body and mind feel great. I attribute this to a lot of laughter. It helps! As  does keeping in contact with your loved ones no matter the distance. I  appreciate life’s small details in all things but due to everyday priorities, these  significant essentials can be overlooked.  

So how did the LURE Life reel me in? Since my first purchase, the LURE CBD Tincture has rarely been further than arm’s length away from my grasp. It is that effective for me. 

I often joke, ‘Knock me and I’ll bruise green!’, such is my commitment to being a  ‘Plant Mom’. I’d say that it was my love of Nature - its foliage and vegetation - that attracted me to the fuss-free formulation of the LURE CBD Tincture. It makes me  feel like I am maximizing my self-care and doing something wonderful and  healthy for my body. You can’t ask for more than that.